Mailing address:
PO Box 262, Frankfort, IL 60423 U.S.A.

21200 S LaGrange Rd Ste 102, Frankfort IL 60423

PH: 815-462-9500
FAX: 815-462-8955


Sales / Customer Service
For help with sales or to reach customer service please call 815-462-9500 Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm (CST).

Also contact us to sell your surplus or used laser equipment; working or not, we may want it.  Let us know what you have. Top dollar paid. We buy used research, medical, and OEM lasers.
Old Air-cooled argon and krypton lasers :

Uniphase lasers
Ion Laser Technology ( ILT ) lasers and power supplies such as:
 5400A - Supply used for 5425 Laser
 5400B - Supply used for 5470K Laser
 5400C - Supply used for 5490 Laser
 5403B - Supply used for 5470K Laser
 5405A - Supply used for 5500 Laser
Melles Griot lasers
Lasos lasers
Bio Rad lasers

Air-cooled argon and argon/krypton lasers contain beryllium oxide, BeO ceramic which  is a potentially hazardous material.  We can recycle and/or provide proper disposal of these materials.
 We will pay for the shipping and sometimes more.


Midwest Laser Products, LLC


Site text and graphics © 1998-2025 Midwest Laser Products LLC. All rights reserved.
USA Phone (815) 462-9500 FAX: (815) 462-8955